Moving is chaos. I am so grateful to out friends and local Service Adventure Support Team that came to help us move! It took most of the day but we got to sleep in our bed in our new home and that felt really good.

Here's a fun little story from last week, right before we moved in. So, on Wednesday, I was at the new house getting my bike out of the shed. I lost my balance and tumbled right into a pile of lath wood (you know, the stuff with 1-2 nails each that we yanked out of the walls). It hurt, but I shrugged it off.

Later that afternoon, I went back to the house with Sara. Borrowed some clothes to help with painting and noticed I had two huge bruises and scrapes from my not-so-graceful fall. Oh, and my last tetanus shot? Yeah, it was in 2010.

I thought I'd go to the Little Clinic inside King Soopers, but surprise—they don’t take my insurance. So, I called the nurse's hotline since I don’t have a regular doctor. They set me up with an appointment at a nearby KP medical center. But then, the nurse’s station called and said they couldn't see me because I hadn't established care there. I explained the situation and, after some back and forth, they squeezed me in the next day. Got my tetanus shot on Friday—quick and mostly painless.

I don’t usually have bad reactions to shots. Aside from some fever dreams after my Johnson & Johnson COVID shot in 2020 and a bit of soreness from my annual flu and COVID shots, I'm usually fine. But this time? By Sunday, my upper arm was sore, swollen, hot, and itching like a thousand mosquito bites. My husband gave me some heavy-duty anti-itch cream from his last allergic reaction, which helped a bit, but it still drove me nuts. By Tuesday, I could wear short sleeves again without my arm itching like I stuck in a container of mosquitos.

We're so happy to be back living with friends in our newly renovated space. I've often thanked them for their hard work over the last 3 months and for letting us share our ideas on the overall look and feel. It is time to finish projects and unpack into our new space. Perhaps I'll post photos in a few months once it has been lived in for a while and I can report any new or completed projects since moving in!


Vintage Pyrex, please!


Home Renovations Part 4