Vintage Pyrex, please!
Whether I'm an old soul or just drawn to the charm of vintage items, one thing's for sure – I have a deep affection for all things old. It's a sentiment that often makes me wonder what it would have been like to live in a different era, but then reality kicks in, and I'm grateful for modern conveniences like credit cards and pants!
Among my vintage treasures, my collection of vintage Pyrex holds a special place. It's a mix of pieces I've acquired over the years and other pieces have been passed down. (My vintage Merry Mushroom Set is also seen peeking in a few photos, but I’ll post about those another time!)
The journey of collecting Pyrex began just before my wedding in 2007. I was already registered for new Pyrex mixing bowls, so fate led me to a flea market in our college town. There, I found myself enamored by two Spring Blossom Green Pyrex bowls – a Cinderella bowl of 2.5 quarts and the other a petite mixing bowl, 1.5 pt, which doubles perfectly as a soup bowl. The Cinderella-style bowls have handles and pour spouts, whereas the Mixing bowls are just bowls for mixing.
Spring Blossoms
Mixing Bowl & Cinderella Style Bowl
Years later, as we sifted through my great-grandmother's belongings following her passing, I discovered a treasure – her complete set of Pyrex Mixing Bowls in Primary Colors. It was a memorable moment to inherit such a beautiful set steeped in family history, and yes, they are very much part of my kitchen rotation!
Primary Pyrex
This set belonged to my Great Grandmother and I still use it!
Recently, during one of my thrifting adventures, luck was on my side yet again. I stumbled upon a charming Forest Fancies patterned small mixing bowl 1.5 pt, now affectionately used for soups, cereal, and ice cream. It's easily one of my best thrift finds. And at Christmas, my parents surprised me with a Pyrex oval casserole pan in the Early American print that was my Grandmother’s.
While I never set out with the intention of collecting vintage Pyrex, I've come to adore it not just for its aesthetic appeal but also for its functionality. Each piece tells a story and brings a sense of nostalgia to my kitchen, reminding me of the joy of preserving and using these timeless treasures.